Jak firma wykorzystuje wideo w komunikacji marketingowej?
Do you buy something you don’t understand?

When was the last time you bought a product that you didn’t understand at all? You didn’t know what it was for, how it worked, what benefits it could bring you, how you could use it, etc. You will admit that such a purchase can only happen accidentally, for example under the influence of emotions. You don’t usually spend your hard-earned money on something you don’t understand, do you?
So put yourself on your customer’s side. Let’s say you’re offering a product that’s a little more complicated for your customer to understand than, say, the need for a pen to write. And it doesn’t have to be software that uses blockchain to historically analyse the behaviour of cancer cells. It could just as well be our sample pen but in some new, innovative version. So if a customer is going to buy it, they first need to understand what the difference is, what benefits they will get from it, etc.
Video helps to communicate with potential buyers.
Note that communicating some new information may not be so easy. Especially in today’s world, where everyone is fighting a daily battle with a notorious lack of time. Does anyone still have time to read descriptive elaborates? Therefore, adding a picture to such a message is important because ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. But almost all marketing professionals know that already, right? So, you need to go a step further to make something stand out among your competitors. And this is where video comes to our rescue. It gives you the opportunity not only to showcase your product in an interesting way, but also to explain it easily and quickly. This is a unique aspect of video, as no other format will give you such opportunities. In addition, using video in your message gives you other advantages. One example is the subconscious information that you are not an amateur, since you use modern technologies. This also gives you credibility because you have the opportunity to show that your product works. It is no longer just ‘stories of strange content’, customers can see for themselves that something works. And there’s one more advantage. Whether you’re selling a product to a consumer or your target audience is a business customer, there’s always a person at the end of it. A person like most of us – multimedia, smartphone-using, social media-using, technology-using, in one word, modern. A person who has little time and is notoriously overwhelmed by a million pieces of information from their environment. Video is the only real chance you have of catching customer’s attention.
Video offers a wide range of possibilities.
Video opens up a wealth of new possibilities. It is not only a chance to effectively spread information about your product, your company, your mission, etc. In this way, you can also build your credibility so that the customer will not only accept the product itself, but also you as its supplier. Imagine showing your portfolio or references in a video. Let’s go further – you can brilliantly show how your product helped solve a specific problem for another customer. You can include a testimonial from another customer or expert. And so on – video gives you possibilities, limited only by your creativity.

Let’s go further – good video can reduce the decision and purchase process by many times. If your product requires some explanation, it takes time to illustrate the benefits. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be a larger company where the decision has to be accepted by a whole group of people. Even for a single customer, organising a meeting, sending documentation, explaining, reflecting, comparing, etc. – all this takes time. With video, you can accumulate all this in a single message.
Remember that no other format is so effective in influencing the subconscious of the recipient. In this way, you can build a ‘warm’ relationship with your prospective customer, thanks to which they will think of you when making a purchase decision. If you build in their mind an image of your company, an employee, a brand, a product, etc., you automatically increase the chances of positive emotions on the part of the customer. Because, in fact, it’s one of the most important factors prompting a buyer to spend money.
And finally, one more benefit of using video, though not the last. You’ve made the sale – great, but you’re usually left with the whole after-sales process. And, whether you implement it in the form of instructions, FAQs, help-desk, tickets, chat or any other channel. In each of these you can use video, which will not only shorten the service process, but largely automate your own procedures. Everybody wins! 🙂
How can tomeckiStudio help you with creating a video?
Have you wondered how each video of this type is constructed? At a minimum, it should consist of three main elements: INTRO (e.g., introduction, announcement, identification) – CONTENT (the actual message of the material) – OUTRO (conclusion, farewell, call to action, etc.).
Of course, the above scheme is only an example, in addition the most modest of all possible. The whole production can be much more complex, moreover, each of these elements can consist of further parts, such as titles, logos, animations, social media elements, and many more. You can view examples on our website, where you will find all sorts of inspiration, sample projects, etc.
Depending on the character and purpose of your production, tomeckiStudio can provide you with most (if you include your material inside) or even all of the components. From these elements, you can then assemble the entire finished material, using any editing software you like. You will find plenty of such programs on the web, both commercial and free, just type a phrase like ‘video editing software’ in a search engine.
Don’t forget to take a look at our other articles, which will help you pay attention to specific areas of advertising and how to customise them. We keep our fingers crossed for the development of your creativity! Certainly the animations available on this page will help with that 🙂