Introduce your business to a larger audience

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In this guide, I will show you how to reach a larger audience with a small budget and how to attract potential customers.

Internet presence is very important nowadays. This allows many companies to gain new customers and not have to worry about unforeseen situations.


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A website is a company’s first impression on the Internet. It is where your potential customer goes when searching for information about your business. Remember to include the most important information on the page that clearly outlines what you offer.

You can get your own website in two ways:

1. Create a website on your own.

Creating a website is not at all as complicated as you might think. Nowadays you can easily find many guides (like this one) and tips.

Hosting. If your website is to be available to the public, you will need hosting. It will allow your customers to find your site online. The cost of decent web hosting starts at £10 per month, but you can also find “free” which we do not recommend.

Domain. Unfortunately, hosting alone may not be enough. The default address for your website might look like this: <yourname>.<hostingname>. If you want your web address to look like the following: <yourname>.com, you will need a domain, which you can purchase from a web host. The price of such a domain also starts at £10 per month.

CMS. You can write a website “from scratch” using HTML, CSS, PHP, etc., or you can use a CMS, content management system, which will make your job faster and easier. One example of a CMS is WordPress, which is ideal for making websites and online shops. Due to its popularity on the Internet, you will find a lot of free help, plugins, themes that will help you to create a site.

– Low price
– You take care
of everything yourself
– Time-consuming
– A lot of learning
if you don’t do it every day

2. Pay the developer to create the site.

If you do not have the time and want to outsource your website to a developer, there are many agencies or freelancers on the internet who will be happy to take on the creation of your website. Many of them will take care of the creation of your business card comprehensively. They will choose the hosting, install, and configure everything you need.

Be careful though, choose carefully and with caution.

– You gain a lot of time
– Your website will be
created by professionals
– Higher price


It is very important to maintain constant contact with customers and to gain new customers. Nothing beats Social Media for this [1]. It is the fastest way, and the least costly, to acquire new customers and to stay in touch with existing customers, to whom you can offer new promotions and encourage them to buy your services again.

1. Facebook

A social network is known as a time grabber. As a business owner, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with its other face. Facebook is a powerful tool that, when used properly, can accelerate your business growth by many times [2]. It is true that the rapid growth of customers requires a large sum of money, but you can gain just as much using the “free” method. Facebook offers many tools available for free to help you collect customers, offer them new deals, and stay in touch with them. The only ‘cost’ is your time.

2. Instagram

A platform is known mainly for teenagers uploading photos. As with Facebook, this is a misconception! Here we also find the other side of the coin that we can use to grow our business. More and more people are using Instagram to drive sales [2]. This is good for someone who is starting to sell and wants to see if their service/product will catch on, but in the long-term, this can prove to be very inconvenient and cumbersome. Nevertheless, we recommend using Instagram for your business because it allows you to keep in touch with a large audience.

3. Other Social Media

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Facebook and Instagram are not the only social media platforms. On the top of the most popular, we can also find [4]: Youtube, TikTok, Telegram, etc. You can use all these platforms to promote your business. Remember: If you want to attract the attention of new customers, do not just post content with your company’s offer, because you will very quickly bore your audience. Alternate your offers with various interesting facts or tutorials.


[1] F. Needle, “HubSpot,” 11 02 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 03 2021].
[2] A. Gotter, “AdEspresso,” 16 12 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 03 2021].
[3] T. Wallace, “Bigcommerce,” 20 03 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 03 2021].
[4] Statista, “Statista,” 01 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 03 2021].

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